Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Unexpected Behavior of Pega v 5.2

Rule was Withdrawn and same rule was created in highest version but system was throwing ERROR MESSAGE
This experience is related to Rule withdrawn. Rule was withdrawn and a new rule was created in highest version with some additional values in local list, application was supposed to display modified values. When we run the application we had got the error message like " Value is not in the Local List".
After investigation we had changed the availability of withdrawn rule to yes in lower version, and added the same values in the local list. But, again withdrawn the same rule.
This time no error was thrown by application….:)

Related to Database change
When we expose the property in the database then it is not mandatory to restart the server all time. The work around is: Open the table and class mapping form and resave it. Corresponding change will be effective in the application. This activity save lot of development time.
Note: The Above activity is true for 90% cases. If changes are not reflecting then restart will be required.

Pega Server is not restarting
Websphere and oracle servers are working(up) fine but PRPC is not restarting.
From the Error log, description about pegarules agent was found. The problem was due to the Agent acceess group unavalability. After investigation it was found that Some how Access group(PegaRules:Agents) of Pega was deleted which causes the system shut down and therefore PRPC was not restarted again.

Problem Flow Solution
Some times it is difficult to Resolve the assignments having the Flow Problems in the flow. I had experience that some how Flow related pages were deleted by system and therefore assignment could not be resolved because system was not getting the data about the flows.
Solution: Open the assignment in development environment and click on the Start new Process button, Then you will get the list of the flows. Click on the suitable flow and process the assignment. Desired data will populate in to the Pages and Assignment can be processed.
Note: Page name will be changed. If you have used page name in your codding then unexpected results may come.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Find rules from advance search

Using Find Rules option under "Tools".Once you click the Find Rules Option,click the second button(Advanced) starting from right side of the screen.
Once you clicked it,it will open up Rule Content Search screen with more options.
Please note: You need to build PegaRules Index via Monitor Servlet before you find the list of all rules referenced by single rule which you are going to search for :)

Issues and hot fix

Issue: Invalid Date format and Parse Errors

.........HotFix-419 (3 MB).

Pega KB Link

Security auditing

  • PRKB-24127 How to audit field-level changes to security rule and data instances
  • PRKB-24131 How to extend the security auditing feature to record changes to additional properties

Load-balancing a multi-node cluster

System Operations - Contents

Index: Technology Papers

Generic import/export ruleset operations using command line

Mapping Classes to Tables

Friday, February 27, 2009


Company and product Background

SmartBPM offers a number of insurance-specific workflow frameworks that serve as thestarting point for developing SmartBPM applications: new business workflow for personaland commercial auto, businessowner’s policy, and term life; change of policy in forceworkflow for the same set of products as new business; and claims workflow for propertylosses.

Customer Base and references

Pegasystems BPM solution are its rules engine, “superb ability to integrate Java and vendorsupplied methods/utilities,” and “ability to allow for dynamic change.” They also cited thesolution’s SOA and other integration capabilities as real strengths.


SmartBPM provides all the elements in a complete BPM solution. SmartBPM is completely unified with the PegaRULES rules engines. PegaRULES also serves as SmartBPM's execution engine. Microsoft Visio is used to design processes. Analytics are provided by an OLAP tool and by a process simulator for what-if scenarios. All three people and system interaction pairs are supported. For person:person interactions, SmartBPM offers a large number of routing methods including: route to manager, route by skills, and route by availability. Person:system and system:system hand-offs can be created in the design process through the use of an integrator shape in Visio.

Usability and Security

Users in service roles have customized views, worklists, and workbaskets. Managers have activity monitors and customizable reports. System administrators have a dedicated portal thatcontrols various user and performance functions. They also have access to the Autonomic Event Services Manager that can diagnose and tune SmartBPM’s performance. For security SmartBPM uses an authentication-authorization-auditing model. For authentication, it uses standard LDAP or JNDI (a standard Java API) to access an identification and security directory. Authorization is based on user IDs having appropriate role-based privileges to access functionality and information. Audit information tracks access to objects and to rules.


SmartBPM has a J2EE open, service-oriented architecture. It executes processes in a distributed J2EE architecture. It can interoperate with .NET systems through co-location on common servers or by using Web services to communicate with .NET applications. SmartBPM can run on pretty much any mainframe or server operating system platform, with the exception of OS/400. It can use Oracle, DB2, or SQL Server databases. It is written completely in Java.SOA is central to the design of SmartBPM. It views internal and external applications as exposed Web services, using WSDL documents, published on UDDI registries, and accessed via SOAP over HTTP. SmartBPM also offers quite a number of other integration and connectivity methodsincluding: MQ, JMS, EJB, .NET, CORBA, COM and SQL. It also supports insurance-specific standards including IAA; ACORD: XML, Messages Services; and XML Message Mapping to IAA. SmartBPM can import and export process definitions using BPEL. This solution is scalable both vertically on a single system or on a multi-node system. It can also be scaled horizontally homogeneous or heterogeneous clusters. Applications are developed in SmartBPM's design environment using Visio, rule forms, and wizards to define integration methods.

Costs and Implementation

First year license cost and implementation costs for a midsize insurer would be in the range of US$200,000 to US$1 million. The same costs for a large insurer would range from US$1 million to US$2 million, or possibly higher for a larger carrier with more complex business processes.Initial implementation is usually under 90 days. This relatively short cycle time is due to an emphasis on rapid iterative development and object reuse. Pegasystems calls its implementation approach “customer co-production.” A typical team would have a Pegasystems engagement leader, lead system architect, and lead process architect, working with a client project manager, and technical and business leads.

How To Draw a Process Model

Planning to draw a Process Model
There are a variety of Modelling software packages available which have all the tools you need build models on your PC- these include Microsoft Visio, Microsoft PowerPoint and even Microsoft Word. One of the BPM tool PRPC also uses the process model for its implementation. It is generally preferred first time to draw the process model by a simple pencil and paper or on a whiteboard because elements can be quickly moved around and easily edited. There are no hard and fast rules for constructing models, but there are guidelines that are useful to bear in mind.Here are six steps that can be used as a guide for creating models of your processes:
1. Describe the process to be charted
2. Start with a 'trigger' event
3. Note each successive action concisely and clearly
4. Go with the main flow (put extra detail in other charts)
5. Make cross references to supporting information
6. Follow the process through to a useful conclusion (end at a 'target' point)

Processes that can be monitor and improve with BPM

Supply Chain Management
The main characteristic of supply chain is to deliver a product to end user. It involves many team many processes so we have to be very care full at every stage so that we can deliver a product at the right time. Using BPM we can monitor every stage every team and also improve the process in terms of fast delivery of product by reducing the time gap between suppliers and Consumers
To improve the process in manufacturing we uses following Business process
Lean• Six Sigma• Quality Assurance• Assembly
Lean: A style of management that places high priority on reducing waste. The 7 areas of waste Lean focuses on are:
• Transportation,
• Inventory,
• Motion,
• Waiting Time,
• Over Production,
• Processing,
Defective Products.
Six Sigma
A popular method of improving processes to reduce defects in products and services.Using process models in conjunction with Six Sigma methodologies maximizes the ROI for a company improving their processes.
Quality Assurance
The process of establishing a baseline for quality and testing that all products meet this baseline.