Rule was Withdrawn and same rule was created in highest version but system was throwing ERROR MESSAGE
This experience is related to Rule withdrawn. Rule was withdrawn and a new rule was created in highest version with some additional values in local list, application was supposed to display modified values. When we run the application we had got the error message like " Value is not in the Local List".
After investigation we had changed the availability of withdrawn rule to yes in lower version, and added the same values in the local list. But, again withdrawn the same rule.
This time no error was thrown by application….:)
Related to Database change
When we expose the property in the database then it is not mandatory to restart the server all time. The work around is: Open the table and class mapping form and resave it. Corresponding change will be effective in the application. This activity save lot of development time.
Note: The Above activity is true for 90% cases. If changes are not reflecting then restart will be required.
Pega Server is not restarting
Websphere and oracle servers are working(up) fine but PRPC is not restarting.
From the Error log, description about pegarules agent was found. The problem was due to the Agent acceess group unavalability. After investigation it was found that Some how Access group(PegaRules:Agents) of Pega was deleted which causes the system shut down and therefore PRPC was not restarted again.
Problem Flow Solution
Some times it is difficult to Resolve the assignments having the Flow Problems in the flow. I had experience that some how Flow related pages were deleted by system and therefore assignment could not be resolved because system was not getting the data about the flows.
Solution: Open the assignment in development environment and click on the Start new Process button, Then you will get the list of the flows. Click on the suitable flow and process the assignment. Desired data will populate in to the Pages and Assignment can be processed.
Note: Page name will be changed. If you have used page name in your codding then unexpected results may come.